Why is it beneficial for everyone to get in touch with their own intuition? There are so many reasons!

First, it is a gift we are all born with. Life tends to be much smoother when we learn to tap into our messages and our “knowing’s”, plus there is an entire Spirit Team that is wanting to work with us!

For me personally, once I started truly listening, my life became much less stressful. I must admit though, in the beginning, I was a bit stubborn when it came time to listen to my Intuition. One of my Spirit Guides says I practically needed to be hit over my head with an etheric two by four! Hopefully, you will choose an easier path!

Second, the more we embrace our Intuitive Compass, the more confidence we tend to have in ourselves. With confidence, our self-empowerment has more nourishment to really flourish.

And third, it’s tons of fun!

Level One is a foundation-building course. When you were learning to ride your bike, you probably experienced some scraped knees. Intuitive Development is a process. Level 1 provides the basis and will chart your course to begin navigating your personal journey.

The course will teach you about breathing, meditation, being empathetic, grounding and protection, crystals, energy, Spirit Guides, and so much more!

Everyone will benefit from this course! Whether you feel called to become a Professional Psychic or you simply want an easier journey thru life, this course will be of assistance to you.

Each week the sections will include lectures on each topic, exercises, and some audio files to listen to.

Many blessings as you Find Your True North!

Course Curriculum

    1. Welcome Bonus Material and Review

    1. Welcome Video

    2. Welcome to Level 1 Psychic Development

    3. Top Secret Bonus!

    4. The Difference Between a Psychic and a Medium

    5. Breathing

    6. Breathing Audio

    7. Meditation

    8. Meditation Audio

    9. Clairsentience and Empathy

    10. Clairsentience and Empathy Audio

    11. Learn to trust your gut

    12. Signs & Synchronicities

    1. Altar

    2. De-Clutter

    3. Grounding

    4. Grounding Meditation

    5. Protection

    6. Muscle testing.pdf

    7. Mandala

    1. Introduction to Crystals

    2. Spirit Guides

    3. Spirit Guide Meditation

    4. Shadow Work

    5. Spiritual bypassing

    1. Music

    2. Music Audio

    3. Thought Patterns

    4. Energy and Vibration

    5. Soul and life purpose

    6. Life Purpose Exercices

    7. Closing Video

About this course

  • $147.00
  • 32 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content

Instructor Jill M. Jackson

Jill is an international award winning highly sought after Psychic Medium and Spiritual Teacher having won such prestigious awards such as the 2016 and 2015 Psychic of the Year from Best American Psychics! She was also awarded the 2014 Social Activism Award from Best American Psychics for her volunteer work with animals.Why should you consider trusting Jill to be one of your Spiritual Teachers?Jill has achieved many honors in her years of experience. She was born with her gifts and has been able to see Spirits since she was a small child.  Yet, even though she was born with these gifts, Jill understood the importance of study, practice,  ethics, and the responsibility that goes along with her gifts. She has studied mysticism and spirituality for many years from amazing Spiritual Teachers all over the world including those at Arthur Findlay College in England, the World’s Foremost College for the Advancement of Spiritualism and Psychic Sciences.   She then tested with Certified Psychic Society and became a member.  She also passed the double-blind test with Best American Psychics and the rest, they say, is history!Jill is a firm believer in exploring and deepening our connection to our soul purpose. She also believes that other training helps to unlock our Intuitive Gifts.  Jill is certified in Past Life Regression and is a Reiki Master.With a Bachelor’s Degree in accounting and money management, as well as a Certified Public Accountant license, Jill spent years utilizing her intuitive gifts in the business world. She reached a point in her career where "Spirit" nudged her towards her true direction. With this calling, Jill re-examined her life and "remembered" what her missions are for this lifetime.  When you listen to Spirit and follow your true path, the results are truly amazing!One of her great passions is being of service as a Spiritual Teacher and helping others ignite, refine, and hone their gifts! Whether you are desiring to deepen your Intuition to help in your career and personal life or whether you feel you have a calling to become a Professional Psychic or Medium, consider allowing Jill to help you navigate your way!

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